Sci-Fi Short Film “Nine Minutes” | Starring Constance Wu | DUST Exclusive

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In the near future, an experienced astronaut, Lilian, and her A.I. explore a newly discovered planet. After weeks of research, a malfunction during the return launch forces Lilian to choose between survival and completing the mission.

“Nine Minutes” by Ernie Gilbert

Director’s Statement:
“I wrote and directed Nine Minutes from a simple idea I had. What if you knew you had only a handful of minutes left. What would you do? What would you reflect on? From there, I knew I wanted a grand scale and scope but to tell an intimate story. I landed on a solo astronaut explorer, Lilian. Intense and enthusiastic about her work. Stubborn to the end. She has to choose between her work and her own survival. The short developed into an allegory for my own feelings about leaving NC to move to LA to follow my career ambitions and what that means leaving behind. What relationships I lost, what time apart from family, and ultimately what that made me feel.” – Ernie Gilbert

Director’s Links:

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