Sci-Fi Short Film “Secret Chord” presented by DUST

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“Secret Chord” by Karl Thyselius

The powerful elite lets a struggling musician fight for survival using his talent. One day he finds a prototype of a new kind of AI. It can help him become a Mozart of his time, but he has to risk everything.

The AI revolution was supposed to set us free. But a powerful elite used it to seize total control. Most people couldn’t contribute to society. They were deemed expendable and disappeared. But the elite needed entertainment, so they kept the poets, the authors, the musicians. They kept the struggling musician Max. He has to fight for survival using his talent. One day he finds a prototype of a new kind of AI. It can help hime to become a Mozart of his time, but he has to risk everything.

Director’s Statement:
I’m making a cinematic science fiction anthology television series consisting of of 10 short films, in the style of Black Mirror and Love, Death and Robots. It examines modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies. Episodes are standalone, usually set in an alternative present or the near future, often with a dark tone, though some are more experimental and lighter. The reason I’m making films is I want to talk about subjects that are important to me. Populism, privacy, the dangers of AI all come together in this short. We decide what kind of world we want to live in, and movies are very important because they can show us what different scenarios will lead to.

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