We’ll be there, figurative bells on, FREE copies of the magazine in hand and a bunch of give-aways, promotional contests and other con-fare.

In case you are somehow blissfully uninformed, there is an organization called the World Science Fiction Society, and every year that organization (made up of any and all fans that want to participate by purchasing a membership to a Worldcon or NASFiC*) approves a fan-run organization to host a convention.

They’ve been held since the very first one in New York in 1939.  1939!  (And there are still fans who made that first one attending!).

Among other things, WSFS hands out the annual Hugo Awards at the Worldcon, though that is by far not the only focus of the convention.

WSFS is, perhaps, one of the very few truly representative and democratic institutions remaining on the planet: the self-selected members vote on everything – where to host future conventions, who wins the awards, who has the best costume, what the rules of the organization will be in future and, by representation, who the guests of honor will be, what subjects panels will cover and how to deal with any and all issues that come before a group of eclectic, individualistic, engaged and (perhaps most problematic) extremely intelligent individuals.

It’s fun as hell!

This year, the 76th annual Worldcon (the series was interrupted by something called “World War II”, I’m pretty sure Wikipedia has an entry…) will be hosted in San Jose California, though it will not be called “SanJoseCon” (up until recently, each Worldcon has had its own name, usually a play on the location and variations of the word “convention” – NYCon, LACon, MidAmeriCon.  More recently, there has been a push to emphasize the brand name and attach the number, thus – Worldcon76, the 76th Worldcon).

Beginning August 16th, fans from all over the world, will gather on the west coast and celebrate Science Fiction.  The convention runs from August 16th through August 20th and there will be much to see and do.

There will be panels.  There will be a costume contest.  There will be business meetings, an art show, a dealer’s room, room parties and fans gathered in hallways, elevators, on the street, at nearby restuarants and bars, in the lobby and, if the past is any guide, some unusual places as well.

This year’s guests are:  Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Spider Robinson, John Picacio, Frank Hayes and Pierre & Sandy Pettinger.  Many other luminaries of the field will also be putting in an appearance.

However, even though we admit to a certain amount of bias, we think that one of the most interesting things that will be happening at Worldcon76 will be the distribution of Amazing Stories first print issue since 2005.  Perhaps a bit more exciting than that is the fact that we’re giving this issue away to all of the attending members of the convention.

We’ll have badge ribbons, posters, some of our other publications, contributors and staff from around the world, some of our authors and artists and, perhaps most importantly, we want to see YOU at our booth.  We want to hand you your copy of the magazine and then hear what you have to say about it.

But you”re not going to get in the door if you aren’t a member of the convention.  We urge you to sign up, attend the con, have a great time and go home with your copy of the magazine!

*NASFiC is an acronym for the North American Science Fiction Convention, a con held every year in the US or Canada (and maybe Mexico some year) when the Worldcon is being held somewhere other than the North American continent.

**Speaking of Mexico, GoH John Picacio is running a campaign to bring as many Mexicanx authors and artists to the convention this year as possible, and Amazing Stories is a proud sponsor of that initiative, which you can learn more about here.

***If you are an Amazing Stories website member, subscriber or contributor, make sure to stop by the booth and say “Hi” – we’re eager to meet you!



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