Bizarre Moon Conspiracies – Hollow Moon, Aliens, and Aliens – oh my!

Perhaps second only to the Sun, the Moon has been a central and focal point in the skies over humanity since the beginning of time! Or has it? Even today, in an age where bizarre and outlandish stories flow freely around the Internet, some claims about the Moon are right up there with the best of them. As we will see, one of them even alluded to a time when the Moon didn’t exist.

There are also some genuinely strange anomalies that have yet to be explained in a satisfactory manner. Perhaps even more bizarre, some of these crazy conspiracies (if they were ever proven to be true) would offer those explanations that have eluded us so far. Here are 10 of the weirdest facts and craziest conspiracies about our Moon.

Source: 10 Weird Anomalies And Bizarre Conspiracies Of The Moon – Listverse

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