29 Days of Creativity

Be careful what you wish for… … you may get it.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve wished for more time, fewer distractions, financial support, all sorts of things so you could better pursue your creative visions, time and time again.

“If only I had more time…,” “If only I had space to work…,” “If only I had unlimited resources, a winning PowerBall ticket, a cleaning service, and a place to myself maybe with less cat fur, just think of all the things I could do!”

Have you wished for any of those things, or if you haven’t actually wished for them, have you simply contemplated them at any point in your creative life?

Yes? Well, I have to ask: Have you ever tried to do anything about that?

This past summer, I did. I spent some time looking for grants. I even applied for one very suitable one.

I did not get it.

But in the process of researching and applying, I came across the idea of residencies. Artist-in-Residence programs, retreats for writers and artists, and similar programs.

I applied for one.

And the universe called my bluff – I got it.

And I was not bluffing – here I am.

I arrived this afternoon, unloaded the car (with some help), unpacked my bags, got the studio roughly set up how I want it, and had some dinner.


I will stay here for the month of February, with a talk at a local library about my work and an open studio near the end of my stay. I have a huge studio with a lovely woodsy view where owls reportedly show themselves often. I have a cozy cottage all to myself.

My cats are in the capable hands of my housemate and landlady, as I could not bring them, that is the *one* drawback here. I worked some monetary sleight-of-hand to create the financial space in which to pull all this off. I told everyone that I was closed for business for the month, and also that I am treating this much like a retreat. While I might post here and to social media – and I *will* post to Patreon for my patrons – to consider me off the grid for anything short of all-out emergencies.

I expect a large number of paintings and words to come out of all this, and I’ll be darned if I let anything get in the way.

I intend to blog here a few times throughout the visit. I will post new work and more details to Patreon first and foremost, so if you want to watch things unfold, you’re welcome to join me there!

In the meantime, ask yourself: Is there something you can do to try to get some of your wishes granted?

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