AMAZING PEOPLE: Ira Naymen Up For Award

Ira Nayman has entered one of his novels, Both Sides. NOW!, in a contest on the Inkshares Web site.

The five books that get the most preorders by September 30 will win a contract with an American publisher; this will be an amazing career boost for the people who win.

Ira would like to be one of them. But, he’s going to need a lot of help. That’s where you Amazing Stories readers come in:

1. If you can spare $10, please go to the Inkshares’ Web site and preorder a copy of Both Sides, NOW!. You can read a 50 page excerpt of the novel there.  Ira believes you will find that it is both smart and funny.

2. Help Ira spread the word. Link to this post or Inkshares on social media.

Ira Nayman is the winner of the  2010 Jonathan Swift Satire Writing Contest

NEW FOR 2015: Random Dingoes (Transdimensional Authority book 3)
available from Elsewhen Press ( online booksellers

Here’s Ira’s tease for Both Sides, NOW!

What would your life be like if you woke up one morning and found yourself in a random body of the opposite sex? All of your memories up to the moment you went to sleep would be of your old body, and your basic personality would be the same. But now you would have to deal with a completely different set of physical characteristics, including a different set of hormones. What would this do to your sense of yourself, your idea of who you are? How would you cope?

Now, imagine what life would be like if everybody you knew had changed into a random body of the opposite sex overnight. How would you prove to your spouse that you were the same person? Would you believe them when they tried to convince you that they were the same person? What would you do if the attraction was no longer there? How would this affect your relationships with friends, acquaintances and other family members? For example: what would you do if your three month old daughter now inhabited the body of a forty year-old man?

As if that weren’t enough, imagine a world in which in which everybody’s sex had changed. Would male politicians maintain their positions on women’s issues (ie: reproductive rights) when they became women? Would the predominantly male CEOs of major corporations retain the faith of the market when they were no longer male? What would this do to the glass ceiling? How would international relations work when it was difficult to establish the true identities of world leaders?

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