Vampire Diaries Got Good Again

Vampire Diaries 90sSo I’ve regularly been having a debate with my fellow Vampire Diaries fan friends about the fact that I struggled to watch the last season, banking them up and only finishing off the show in August. It also meant that I left the first three episodes of the new season collecting dust until this weekend, despite knowing the cliffhanger of Damon & Bonnie’s deaths.

Well, as with Arrow the show has got me excited again. I literally had a mini marathon watching all three episodes back to back in one evening and am now eagerly awaiting the next episodes.

What is going on with Damon and Bonnie’s new parallel universe? And why are they stuck in 1994 on ground hog day? Will they ever make it back? Alaric is back, he was one of my favourite characters, so glad they found a way to bring him back to the show but is it for good? Is Elena moving on with that med student? Will Damon come back and there will be a four way triangle? Has Stefan seriously given up on his brother? So many questions. This is the way to get me back into a show. Leave me asking these questions in between episodes.

This show has always been one I’ve not 100% been in love with. I tried reading the books, didn’t like them and the show was always ok, and a good ok as otherwise I wouldn’t have continued watching. But right now, it seems to have a breath of fresh air running through it, which I sometimes find quite rare with shows that have been running for several seasons. I’m really excited where this show is going with season six. Expect an update later in the season.

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